Monday, March 14, 2011

Let's play the waiting game

OK, since all of my paperwork is in now, I am only waiting on my recruiter to take it up to MEPS and then it should be processed quickly. She said that it usually doesn't take them very long to process it. Here's hoping...

I had a meeting with my recruiters today (well my recruiter and the partner in her office).  They drove out to my house, which was nice. We discussed what was covered in the DEP meeting that I missed last week.  I received a packet about fitness preparation...the wording is kind of funny... they really dumb down the language, ha ha ha ha ha.

I was verbally quizzed on some of my information that I have to memorize... did better than I thought I would, but I still need to study some more.

I am also working on my PT, but it sounds like the Navy won't be starting theirs for DEP for a while... maybe not until after I leave for Basic. So, it's up to me to do it on my own, luckily my alma mater NIU has  decent facilities and is much, much cheaper than any gym...even cheaper than the Y.

So, my preparation continues... more research on possible jobs, more studying, more exercising...and condensing and packing of my room. It will be hard packing up my room, but in the long run it will be a good idea. Now starts my process of condensing, getting rid of clutter, donating stuff, and seeing what (old toys) I can pass on to my niece. When I can finally get my own place after tech school sometime it will be so much easier to have everything packed up already.

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