Sunday, March 27, 2011

I May Look Healthy, But I Am So Out of Shape... Thus Grows My To-Do List

I have always eaten right... healthy. I don't eat a lot of junk food or anything greasy, and I don't drink a lot of alcohol. Also I have never done drugs, so I have all of that going for me.

I have hardly ever enjoyed exercise. Therein lies my problem.  I go for long runs and am totally exhausted after a short distance. I also noticed this weekend when I went to help a friend move into her house that my upper body strength is not what it should be.

Sometimes I wish I lived in a city or town with close access to a facility or gym where I could go daily to work out... the closest one is a half hour away. And it makes things difficult when I don't have reliable transportation at the moment. I have about 2 months (59 days) until I ship out for Basic and I have all of this PT work to do.

My form for my push-ups needs some major work, as does my endurance in my running and the rest of my PT. I need to figure out something for my strength training and need to start swimming again.

I have to do something and fast... no more procrastination.

So grows my to-do list for things to do before I leave for Basic:

- Call NIU Alum center for membership
- Get a work-out buddy... probably Manda :)
- Go a few times per week to the rec center for strength training and swimming
- Finish memorizing my creeds and all of the information in the START guide I received from the Navy
- Do my taxes
- Go through my bedroom, unclutter, and pack up boxes
- Consolidate my clothes, donate the ones I don't wear, and pack only what will fit in my luggage set
- Set up payments for my few bills I have while I am in the Navy (loans, car payment, pay off rest of credit card)
- Go through my books and donate or give away the ones I don't want to keep, and pack the rest
- Make sure I have all of my addresses
- Spend time with my friends and family
- Attend all of my necessary DEP meetings, mentor meetings, 1 month check-up, 1 week check-up, etc.
- Cancel my private health insurance policy
- Check on loan deferments and forbearances
- Make digital copies of all of my important documents

I'm sure there's more that I am missing on this list... it's a lot of stuff to remember and do before I leave. The days are monotonous and all seem to run together.

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