Saturday, February 19, 2011

It All Starts With A Dream

Two years ago, like any college graduate, I emerged bright-eyed and full of promise. I had to decide what to do with my life. I originally wanted to spend my days writing and find a career that involved doing exactly that. I wanted to become a writer/editor and I thought that once I completed my bachelor's degree with a major in English that I could accomplish just that. Well, the economy put a damper on that: I lost my job as a legal assistant--so I looked for a new dream.  I turned to the idea of teaching, but once I took a few classes, I decided it was clearly not for me. Then, I brainstormed for other career choices. I decided on entering the military. Now I just had to figure out what branch I wanted to go into and decide if I wanted to apply for the officer program or go in enlisted. Research ensued and I eventually came to a decision, or so I thought. This whole process started in November of last year. I was dead set on the Air Force officer program, but they informed me that it was not possible. Upon more research, I decided on the Navy. They really impressed me from the beginning.  So I am going to enlist in the Navy. I start everything this week. I am so excited! After a couple of years in the Navy I am going to put together my application for the officer program. This is going to be the start of a great career. All of the benefits are amazing and I can't wait for it all to begin. My dream will become realized.

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